Hope to Me by Aston Hibbert, Year 10
Hope to me is walking down the street without being harassed because of the colour of my skin.
Hope to me is not having to see that one old lady clutch her bag that little bit tighter because she spotted a black guy.
Hope to me is not having my hair dragged and pulled because it’s as fluffy as a sheep.
Hope to me is not having to face every racist joke with a hollow smile and hear the words “it’s just a joke” or “ I’m not racist I have black friends”.
Hope to me is not having to live in constant torment because my skin is of a darker complexion.
Hope to me is not being laughed at because I Am Proud of my Caribbean heritage.
Hope to me is being able to stop fighting battles so that others like me can learn to embrace their melanated skin.
Hope to me is to stop hoping that today is not another day to be dehumanised over and over again over something I was blessed with.
Hope to me is the world realising that who I am goes a lot deeper than just my skin tone.
Hope to me is being accepted as a human being.
Hope to me is the world finally seeing black people as people.